

The Wealth Files

 The Wealth Files

Seventeen Ways Rich People Think and Act Differently from Poor and Middle-Class People

IN PART I OF THIS BOOK WE DISCUSSED THE PROCESS of Manifestation. Recall that thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions, and actions lead to results. Everything begins with your thoughts—which are produced by your mind. Isn’t it amazing that our mind is pretty much the basis for our life and yet most of us have no clue as to how this powerful apparatus functions? So let’s start by taking a simple look at how your mind works. Metaphorically, your mind is nothing more than a big file cabinet, similar to what you’d find in your office or home. All information that comes in is labeled and filed in folders so that it’s easy to retrieve to help you survive.Did you hear that? I didn’t say thrive, I said survive. 
In every situation, you go to the files of your mind to determine how to respond. Say, for example, you’re considering a financial opportunity. You automatically go to your file labeled money and from there decide what to do. The only thoughts you can have about money will be what are stored in your money file. That’s all you can think about, because that’s all that is in your mind under that category. 
You decide based on what you believe is logical, sensible,and appropriate for you at the time. You make what you think is the right choice. The problem, however, is that your right choice may not be a successful choice. In fact, what makes perfect sense to you may consistently produce perfectly poor results. 
For instance, let’s say my wife is in the mall. That shouldn’t be too hard for me to imagine. She sees this green purse. It’son sale for 25 percent off. She immediately goes to her mind files with the question “Should I get this purse?” In a nano second, her mind files come back with the answer:“
You’ve been looking for a green purse to go with those greens hoes you bought last week. Plus it’s just the right size. Buy it!”As she rushes to the checkout counter, her mind is not only thrilled that she’s going to have this beautiful purse, but glowing with pride that she got it for 25 percent off. 
To her mind, this purchase makes perfect sense. She wants it, she believes she needs it, and it is “such a deal.” However,at no point did her mind come up with the thought “True, this is a really nice purse, and true, this is a great deal, but right now I’m three thousand dollars in debt, so I’d better hold off.” 
She didn’t come up with that information because no file in her head contains that. The file of “When you’re in debt, don’t buy any more” was never installed in her and doesn’t exist,which means that particular choice is not an option. Do you catch my drift? If you’ve got files in your cabinet that are non supportive to financial success, those will be the only choices you can make. They’ll be natural, automatic, and make perfect sense to you. But in the end, they will still produce financial failure or mediocrity at best. 
Conversely, if you’ve got mind files that support financial success, you will naturally and automatically make decisions that produce success. You won’t have to think about it. Your normal way of thinking will result in success, kind of like Donald Trump. 
His normal way of thinking produces wealth. When it comes to money, wouldn’t it be incredible if you could inherently think how rich people think? I sure hope you said “absolutely” or something to that effect. Well, you can! As we stated previously, the first step to any change is awareness, meaning the first step to thinking the way rich people think is to know how rich people think. Rich people think very differently from poor and middle-class people. They think differently about money, wealth,themselves, other people, and pretty well every other facet of life. In Part II of this book, we’re going to examine some of these differences and, as part of your reconditioning, install seventeen alternative “wealth files” into your mind. With new files come new choices. You can then catch yourself when you are thinking like poor and middle-class people and consciously shift your focus to how rich people think. Remember, you can choose to think in ways that will support you in your happiness and success instead of ways that don’t. 


You can choose to think in ways that will support you in your happiness and success instead of ways that don’t.

A few caveats to begin. First, in no way, shape, or form do I mean to degrade poor people or want to appear to be without compassion for their situation. I do not believe that rich people are better than poor people. They’re just richer. At the same time, I want to make sure you get the message, so I’m going to make the distinctions between the rich and poor as extreme as possible. Second, when I discuss rich, poor, and middle-class people,what I am referring to is their mentality—how different folks think and act rather than the actual amount of money they’ve got or their value to society. Third, I will be generalizing “big time.” I understand that not all rich and not all poor people are the way I’m describing them to be. 
Again, my objective is to make sure you get the point of each principle and use it. Fourth, for the most part, I will not always be referring to the middle class specifically, because middle-class people usually have a mix of rich and poor mentalities. 
Again, my goal is for you to become aware of where you fit on the scale and to think more like the rich if you want to create more wealth. 
Fifth, several of the principles in this section may appear to deal more with habits and actions than with ways of thinking.Remember, our actions come from our feelings, which come from our thoughts. 
Consequently, every rich action is preceded by a rich way of thinking. Finally, I’m going to ask you to be willing to let go of being right ! What I mean by that is, be willing to let go of having to do it your way. Why? Because your way has gotten you exactly what you’ve got right now. If you want more of the same, keep doing it your way. If you’re not yet rich, however, maybe it’s time you consider a different way, especially one that comes from someone who is really, really rich and has put thousands of others on the road to wealth too. It’s up to you. The concepts you are about to learn are simple but pro-found. 
They make real changes for real people in the real world. How do I know? At my company, Peak Potentials Training, we get thousands of letters and e-mails each year telling us how each individual wealth file has transformed people’s lives. 
If you learn them and use them, I am confident they will transform your life too. At the end of each section you will find a declaration and a physical movement with which to “anchor” it into your body. You will also find actions to take to support you in adopting this wealth file. It is imperative you put each file into action in your life as quickly as possible so that the knowledge can move to a physical, cellular level and create lasting and permanent change. Most people understand we are creatures of habit, but what they don’t realize is that there are actually two kinds of habits:doing habits and not-doing habits. Everything you are not doing right now, you are in the habit of not doing. 
The only way to change these not-doing habits into doing habits is to do them.Reading will assist you, but it’s a whole different world when you go from reading to doing. If you are truly serious about success, prove it, and do the actions suggested.

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