

So What Is Your Money Blueprint Set For?

So What Is Your Money Blueprint Set For?

Now, it’s time to answer the “million dollar” question. What is your current money and success blueprint, and what results is it subconsciously moving you toward? Are you set for success,mediocrity, or financial failure? Are you programmed for struggle or for ease around money? Are you set for working hard for your money or working in balance? Are you conditioned for having a consistent income or an inconsistent income? You know the scoop: “First you have it,then you don’t, then you have it, then you don’t.” It always appears as though the reasons for these drastic fluctuations come from the outside world. For instance: “I got a great-paying job but then the company folded. Then I started my own business and things were booming, but the market dried up. My next business was doing super, but then my partner left, et cetera.” 
Don’t be fooled, this is your blueprint at work. Are you set for having a high income, a moderate income,or a low income? Did you know there are actual dollar amounts for which many of us are programmed? Are you set for earning $20,000 to $30,000 a year? $40,000 to $60,000?$75,000 to $100,000? $150,000 to $200,000? $250,000 a year or more? A few years ago, I had an unusually well-dressed gentleman in the audience during one of my two-hour evening seminars. 
When the seminar was complete, he came over and asked if I thought the three-day Millionaire Mind course could do anything for him, considering he was already earning $500,000 a year. I asked him how long he’d earned that kind of money. 
He responded, “Consistently, for about seven years now.” That was all I needed to hear. I asked him why he wasn’t earning $2 million a year. I told him that the program was for people who want to reach their full financial potential and asked him to consider why he was “stuck” at half a million. He decided to come to the program. I got an e-mail from him a year later that said, “The pro-gram was incredible but I made a mistake. I only reset my money blueprint to earn the $2 million a year as we discussed.I’m already there, so I’m attending the course again to reset it for earning $10 million a year.” The point I want to make is that the actual amounts don’t matter. What matters is whether you are reaching your full financial potential.
 I know many of you might be asking, why on earth would anyone need that kind of money? First, that very question is not overly supportive to your wealth and is a sure sign you’ll want to revise your money blueprint. Second,the main reason this gentleman wanted to earn massive amounts of money was to support his work as a huge donor to a charity that assists AIDS victims in Africa. So much for the belief that rich people are “greedy”! Let’s go on. Are you programmed for saving money or for spending money? Are you programmed for managing your money well or mismanaging it? Are you set for picking winning investments or picking losers? You might wonder, “How could whether or not I make money in the stock market or in real estate be part omy blueprint?” Simple. 
Who picks the stock or the property?You do. Who picks when you buy it? You do. 
Who picks when you sell it? You do. 
I guess you’ve got something to do with the equation. 
I have an acquaintance in San Diego named Larry. Larry is a magnet when it comes to making money: he definitely has a high income blueprint. But he has the kiss of death when it comes to investing his money. Whatever he buys drops like a rock. (Would you believe his dad had the exact same problem?Duh!) I keep in close touch with Larry so I can ask him for investment advice. It is always perfect... perfectly wrong!Whatever Larry suggests, I go the other way. I love Larry! On the other hand, notice how other people seem to have what we termed earlier the Midas touch. Everything they get involved with turns to gold. 
Both the Midas-touch and the kiss-of-death syndromes are nothing more than the manifestations of money blueprints. Once again, your money blueprint will determine your financial life—and even your personal life. If you are a woman whose money blueprint is set for low, chances are you will attract a man who is also set for low so you can stay in your financial “comfort zone” and validate your blueprint. If you are a man who is set for low, chances are you will attract a woman who is a spender and gets rid of all your money, so you can stay in your financial “comfort zone” and validate your blueprint. Most people believe the success of their business is primarily dependent on their business skills and knowledge or at least their timing of the marketplace. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but that’s la-la land, which is another way of saying, not a chance!

How well your business does is a result of your money blueprint. You will always validate your blueprint. If you have a blueprint that is set for earning $100,000 a year, that’s exactly how well the business will do, enough to earn you about$100,000 a year. 
If you are a salesperson and your blueprint is set for earning$50,000 a year and somehow you make a huge sale that makes you $90,000 that year, either the sale will cancel or if you do end up with $90,000, get ready for a crummy year to follow to make up for it and bring you back to the level of your financial blueprint. 
On the other hand, if you’re set for earning $50,000 and you’ve been in a slump for a couple of years, don’t worry,you’ll get it all back. You have to, it’s the subconscious law of the mind and money. Someone in this position would prob-ably walk across the street, get hit by a bus, and end up with exactly $50,000 a year in insurance! It’s simple: one way or another, if you’re set for $50,000 a year, eventually that’s what you’ll get. 
So again, how can you tell what your money blueprint is set for? 
One of the most obvious ways is to look at your results.
Look at your bank account. 
Look at your income. 
Look at your net worth. 
Look at your success with investments. Look at your business success. 
Look at whether you’re a spender or a saver. Look at whether you manage money well. 
Look at how consistent or inconsistent you are. Look at how hard you work for your money. 
Look at your relationships that involve money. 
Is money a struggle or does it come to you easily? Do you own a business or do you have a job? Do you stick with one business or job for a long time or do you jump around a lot? Your blueprint is like a thermostat. If the temperature in the room is seventy-two degrees, chances are good that the thermostat is set for seventy-two degrees. Now here’s where it gets interesting. 
Is it possible that because the window is open and it is cold outside, the temperature in the room can drop to sixty-five degrees? Of course, but what will eventually happen?The thermostat will kick in and bring the temperature back to seventy-two. Also, is it possible that because the window is open and it’shot outside, the temperature in the room can go up to seventy-seven degrees? 
Sure it could, but what will eventually happen?The thermostat will kick in and bring the temperature back to seventy-two. The only way to permanently change the temperature in the room is to reset the thermostat. In the same way, the only way to change your level of financial success “permanently” is to reset your financial thermostat, otherwise known as your money blueprint. 


The only way to permanently change the temperature in the room is to reset the thermostat. In the same way, the only way to change your level of financial success “permanently” is to reset your financial thermostat. You can try anything and everything else you want. You can develop your knowledge in business, in marketing, in sales, in negotiations, and in management. You can become an expert in real estate or the stock market. All of these are tremendous“tools.” But in the end, without an inner “tool box” that is big enough and strong enough for you to create and hold on to large amounts of money, all the tools in the world will be useless to you. Once again, it’s simple arithmetic: “Your income can grow only to the extent that you do.” Fortunately or unfortunately, your personal money and success blueprint will tend to stay with you for the rest of your life—unless you identify and change it. And that is exactly what we will continue to do in Part II of this book and do even further with you at the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar. 
Remember that the first element of all change is awareness.Watch yourself, become conscious, observe your thoughts,your fears, your beliefs, your habits, your actions, and even your in actions. Put yourself under a microscope. Study yourself.
Most of us believe that we live our lives based on choice. Not usually! Even if we’re really enlightened, we might make just a few choices during the average day that reflect our awareness of ourselves in the present moment. But for the most part,we’re like robots, running on automatic, ruled by our past conditioning and old habits. That’s where consciousness comes in. Consciousness is observing your thoughts and actions so that you can live from true choice in the present moment rather than being run by programming from the past. 

Consciousness is observing your thoughts and actions so that you can live from true choice in the present moment rather than being run by programming from the past.

By achieving consciousness, we can live from who we are today rather than who we were yesterday. In this way, we can respond appropriately to situations, tapping the full range and potential of our skills and talents, rather than inappropriately reacting to events, driven by the fears and insecurities of the past. Once you are conscious, you can see your programming for what it is: simply a recording of information you received and believed in the past, when you were too young to know any better. You can see that this conditioning is not who you are but who you learned to be. You can see that you are not the“recording” but the “recorder.” 
You are not the “content” in the glass but the “glass” itself. You are not the software but the hardware. Yes, genetics may play a role, and, yes, spiritual aspects may come into play, but much of what shapes who you are comes from other people’s beliefs and information. As I suggested earlier, beliefs are not necessarily true or false or right or wrong, but regardless of their validity, beliefs are opinions that are passed around and around and then down from generation to generation to you. Knowing this, you can consciously choose to release any belief or way of being that is not supportive to your wealth, and you can replace it with one that is. In our courses we teach that “no thought lives in your head rent-free.” Each thought you have will either be an investment or a cost. It will either move you toward happiness and successor away from it. It will either empower you or dis-empower you. 
That’s why it is imperative you choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely. 
Realize that your thoughts and beliefs aren’t who you are,and they are not necessarily attached to you. 
As precious as you believe them to be, they have no more importance and meaning than you give them. Nothing has meaning except for the meaning you give it. 
Recall how at the beginning of this book I suggested you don’t believe a word I say? Well, if you really want to take off in your life, don’t believe a word you say. And if you want instant enlightenment, don’t believe a thought you think. Meanwhile, if you’re like most people, you’re going to believe something, so you might as well adopt beliefs that sup-port you, rich beliefs. Remember, thoughts lead to feelings,which lead to actions, which lead to results. You can choose to think and act like rich people do and therefore create the results that rich people create. 

The question is, “How do rich people think and act?”That’s exactly what you’ll discover in Part II of this book. If you want to change your financial life forever, read on! 

DECLARATION: Place your hand on your heart and say... 
“I observe my thoughts and entertain only those that empower me.” 
Touch your head and say...
 “I have a millionaire mind!”

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