

There are two kinds of action you can take.

Take action

Start by opening your mind and your heart. Commit yourself to the daily use of the tools that we have provided you with, and strive to become more aware of the amazing synchronicity that already exists in your life. Sweep away any doubt. And then take actions each and every day that will move you toward your purpose and the fulfillment of your dreams. 

There are two kinds of action you can take. 

Obvious Action

We are all familiar with obvious action. Some examples of obvious action are: If you want a new car, going out to test drive all of the cars you are interested in, choosing the exact make and model you want, and saving 10 percent of your income in a "car account." If you want to become a doctor, then obvious actions would be things like applying to medical school, taking courses in premed, and so on. Obvious actions are logical, somewhat predictable action steps that stem from the conscious mind.

Inspired action

Inspired action is much less linear, and oftentimes will seem to be completely unrelated to your ultimate goals. Once you begin to get in touch with your higher consciousness by using your vision book, affirmations, visualization, daily gratitude journal, meditations, and prayer, the universe will start responding by sending you the ideas, people, opportunities, money, and other resources you need to fulfill your desires and make your dreams a reality.

You are going to find that you have inspired ideas, intuitive impulses, and gentle prodding from your dreams. You must act on them. Let your curiosity and interest guide you. This is inspired action. It is action born of your willingness to trust your intuition, follow your hunches, and listen to your inner voice. Inspired action is a real demonstration of  your belief and positive expectation. This type of action is funneled through the subconscious mind, and it is inspired by your awareness and openness to the possibilities all around you. It speaks of your trust and of your connection. It takes faith to move forward with inspired action because it is far less familiar to us than obvious action.

Dreams pass into the reality of action.
From the action stems the dream again;
and this interdependence produces
the highest form of living.

Often your intuitive nudges will be very subtle, and they may seem to have no direct relationship to the fulfillment of your dreams, but if you follow them, your life will become very magical. Based on your desires, you will soon be led down a wonderful path of transformation, growth and fulfillment. This path may look quite different from the one you originally imagined. Learn to trust your deeper self. Learn to trust the process. Learn to trust God and the universe. You are cocreating with a higher power that knows more and sees more than you ever can.
So, be prepared to take not only the obvious logical steps, which would lead you in the direction of your dreams and aspirations, but take the less obvious ones as well. Have faith and be willing to move forward with the confidence and conviction of your desires, knowing that  the universe will support you in your efforts. Taking any action is simply a logical extension of your belief and your trust. If you didn't really believe something was possible you wouldn't take any action at all.
The basic difference here is that obvious action is pretty much just up to you, and you alone, whereas inspired action is you, using the power of your subconscious mind, believing and cocreating with God and the universe. A combination of these two is ideal. Give it to God, and be willing to do the work!

Thought is blossom;
Language the bud;
action the fruit behind it.

Remember, through the Law of Attraction, the universe will provide you with all that you need in order to reach your goals. You will attract the necessary resources, ideas, and people into your life. It's up to you to recognize them, though, and it's up to you to follow through on these inspired thoughts and ideas.
Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you, but you have to take action to get it.

The universe wants you to succeed. 

Start making room in your life for the beauty and abundance that is rightfully yours. remember how powerful you are. It is not enough to dream and desire; you must actually be willing to take action both internally and externally toward creating the life of your dreams. You must also be disciplined enough to follow through with the daily rituals that will keep you in a state of positive vibration that is a match for the future you desire
So, make a commitment to take these actions each day.
Integrate these rituals into your daily routine:

See where your own energy wants to go,
not  where you think it should go.
Do something because it feels right,
not because it makes sense.
Follow the spiritual impulse.

 Hold tight to the purpose and vision you have created for your future and own them with every ounce of your being. Keep all of your actions in alignment with your higher purpose, and keep your intentions pure. You will attract amazing and beautiful things into your life. So, be fearless, have fun, and be willing to take a few risks. Reach for the stars, and know that you are supported in every way.
Move forward with confidence in the direction of your dreams and desires. Believe that they are not only possible, but that they are already in progress.


The tools we have provided will prepare the soil, but you must plant the seeds and create an environment that will nourish their growth and expansion. Now that you have placed your order with the universe, you must have faith. Be resilient. Trust that it is already so, and give it to God. Although you may not know the exact path to your dreams, the way will reveal itself. Be willing to take action. Once you commit to your dreams, the Law of Attraction will take care of the rest. Life will present you with the people, circumstances, and whatever else is needed to bring them into reality.

You must be the change
you want to see in the world.

We hope that you will make a personal commitment to creating a better life for yourself and a better world for all of us. Imagine the possibilities. Envision just how amazing this world will become as we all make the shift into awareness, into a positive state of being. We can shift the energy of the entire planet, one person at a time. Through our awareness, generosity, commitment, and intention we can truly begin to live in accordance with the natural laws of the universe and restore our balance with nature. We can create a world filled with love, joy, harmony, and peace.

Give up your small ambitions,
come and save the world. 

We have been living for far too long in a state of oblivion, completely unaware of just how powerful we really are. Now is the time to reclaim our power. Now is the time to be fully accountable for the state of our lives and the state of the world we live in. Now is the time to reclaim the joy and abundance that are rightfully ours.

The Law of Attraction is always in motion.
You have already begun.
The future is yours.

See it. Feel it. Believe it. 

Just take the first step in faith.
You don't have to see the whole staircase.
Just take the first step.

To fully live the Law of Attraction and create the life of your dreams:
  • Use your affirmations daily.
  • Use your gratitude journal daily.
  • Use your vision book daily.
  • Spend time each day in prayer or meditation.
  • Stay true to your purpose.
  • Believe in your dreams.
  • Focus on the the positive.
  • Live in a state of constant gratitude.
  • Visualize the life you desire.
  • Be passionate about life.
  • Be generous.
  • Be happy.
  • Do the things that make you feel good.
  • Find the best in every situation.
  • Listen to your inner voice.
  • Respond to internal and external feedback.
  • Follow through on your inspired thoughts.
  • Be aware of the miracles all around you.
  • Be willing to take risks.
  • Move forward with confidence.
  • Acknowledge the changes you see and feel.
  • Remember the Law of Attraction.
  • Trust.
Release it to God, Source, the universe.

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